Whatever you do, do it with passion.

“There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” ~Nelson Mandela

Lately I have been struggling to figure out my passions in life are and what I can do to live them out.  There are the obvious ones of traveling the wold, raising a family, and telling others about Jesus.  Telling others about Jesus is always in my reach.. its just getting over the fears and doubts that arise when I try to have a conversation with others about their beliefs and then share my beliefs with them.  I know that I have a passion for sharing the gospel and am blessed to be a servant in God’s kingdom.  Then there are my other passions such as traveling the world and raising a family, both of those are not exactly going to happen any time soon.  Both of those are an ongoing process of living out my passions for my life.  I got to thinking, what else am I passionate about and how can I start living each day with an on fire passion. Continue reading