Let go of your fears

Lately, I have had some fears begin to surface and expose themselves to me.  At first I didn’t think anything of it and went about my business.  However, one of my newly exposed fears has been haunting me.  I have been having weird nightmares and at times I think they are going to happen in reality.  If you ask me, no person should have to walk on eggshells because of some fears that have come up in their life.  You can’t avoid them forever and ignoring them won’t make them go away.  So, I am researching some ways to face these fears head on and show them that they can not control me and get inside my head. Continue reading

Life has a funny way of working out..

Sometimes our own love ones hurt us the most..
It’s hard to take in the words that they think is helpful..
But at times their words just make things worst… 
Sometimes words are sharper than a knife and it leaves 
more scars than an actual cut from a knife..  Continue reading